Saturday, February 19, 2005
IL Suburban Schools don't accept faxed or emailed resume!
This is a letter from a Social Worker who's been applying to Social Work positions. Accepting resumes via fax or email IS THE BEST WAY to get the first glimpse of a candidate. This method of making everyone go online and fill out an application doesn't allow the older worker to submit their information. NOT GOOD AND THERE HAS TO BE SOME CHANGE SO PEOPLE CAN SUBMIT THEIR RESUMES VIA EMAIL OR FAX. TIME FOR SOME CHANGE.
Dear America's Work Stories,
I've been applying for Social Work postions. I have managerial experience and an MSW. THE SUBURBAN SCHOOLS AREN'T ACCEPTING RESUMES VIA FAX OR EMAIL. THIS IS HORRIBLE!!! I've worked with many different types of agencies, families, principals etc. I'm very frustrated and know that there are other people out there who are experiencing the same thing. In the last 4 years, it has become IMPOSSIBLE to find a job without having your blood type run or cutting an arm or let off. I know I'm exaggerating but the job search has become RIDICULOUSLY hard and it shouldn't be this difficult.
Dear America's Work Stories,
I've been applying for Social Work postions. I have managerial experience and an MSW. THE SUBURBAN SCHOOLS AREN'T ACCEPTING RESUMES VIA FAX OR EMAIL. THIS IS HORRIBLE!!! I've worked with many different types of agencies, families, principals etc. I'm very frustrated and know that there are other people out there who are experiencing the same thing. In the last 4 years, it has become IMPOSSIBLE to find a job without having your blood type run or cutting an arm or let off. I know I'm exaggerating but the job search has become RIDICULOUSLY hard and it shouldn't be this difficult.