Thursday, June 09, 2005

Personality Testing In This Economy vs. Job Search Environment in 1990's

This is a story from someone who's taken the personality inventories and shares the sentitment of those searching for a postition in this economy and contrasting it with searching for a position in the 1990's.

I don't do personality and aptitude testing. period. I too had a series of group interviews with different companies, and they are senseless. Neverpassed a personality test and never passed a group interview, so it mustmean I wasn't meant for the company. Which suits me fine.On one interview, I went through a verbal one-on-one with the interviewerand before I left, they said, "Oh by the way, can you ....." and there I was sitting in front of a computer taking a test. It's demoralizing, it's only purpose is to determine if you "fit" in the company, and if you are in your right occupation.I can remember when there weren't enough workers to filljobs in the 1990s and companies hired us when we walked through the door. A personality test won't tell a company if you're a killer psycho who willshoot-up the plant once you're downsized.Most Americans are hard workers and that's all we want to do is work, earn adecent living, grow in the job, and go home to our families. Don't make yourself silly by taking those personality tests.

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